Learn widely unknown tools & distinctions to support the Autonomic Nervous System within your self and your coaching clients. Take your practice to the next level and increase your capacity for highly effective coaching.

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Join me and a community of your peers as we take a comprehensive look at the autonomic nervous system (ANS) to support you and your clients to become more resilient and prone to deep transformation. When I started coaching, it seemed that some clients transformed, while others seemed stuck and resistant. At the time, my colleagues would speak about resistance as if it was inevitable and simple a mechanism of 'everybody wants to get better but nobody wants to change.'

For a while, I believed this...until I met one of my teachers, Anna Chitty. She opened my eyes to the role our ANS plays in the transformative process. What I discovered is that one of the main reasons why our clients resist change is that they lack the nervous system resiliency to face life with dynamism and fluidity. This survival mechanism, under the radar of most well-trained coaches, is often the culprit for why we resist becoming something new through coaching interactions. As coaches, we require our clients to be willing and able to show up for engaged interaction. If they cannot do that, many of our tools will fail.

Can you guess the leading cause of our clients not showing up fully? Wait for it...autonomic nervous system dysregulation!

In this course, I will introduce you to the ANS, including the lesser-known social nervous system.' You will develop a strong foundation for understanding how the ANS works, what it looks like when it's regulated and when it's stressed out. I will also show you practices that are consistently effective in the nervous system, regulation, and how to integrate ANS literacy into your coaching practice.

The coaching profession has had profound evolutions over the years. During this time, our understanding of neuroscience has also deepened. These two statements being true does not imply coaches are utilizing what we now know about our neurophysiology. Sadly, this makes us less efficient and impactful. In this course, I will not overwhelm you with a ton of complicated scientific theories. I will simplify this wisdom so you can easily apply what you learn on the ground. By the end of this course, you will be more resilient and capable of facing life's intensity. You will be able to apply this directly to your coaching practice immediately and start to see its results with clients.

Personally, I use the practices and distinctions laid out in this course every day of my life. As a coach, as a father, and as a human being who is trying, like you, to navigate this incredibly complex era. Join me and learn what I believe is absolutely essential for every coach or person making their way through this intense period in history.


The autonomic nervous system is a complex system that your body uses to respond to life's stresses. It is the foundation of your ability to survive. This course will provide you with an easy-to-understand way of comprehending what the ANS is without getting bogged down with a ton of complex, heady theories. You will get exactly what you need to apply these distinctions immediately.


You will be given a primary practice that regulates the nervous system. More importantly, you will learn why this practice works, enabling you to become creative regarding reducing stress and increasing resilience. Here at Newfield, we strongly believe that before applying a new skill set with clients, we need to do it ourselves first. This course will support you in doing this through repatterning your own ANS.


Once you have discovered new and essential distinctions & practices related to the ANS, you will be ready to apply this within a coaching context. Two entire chapters are dedicated to the application of ANS knowledge to the coaching practice. In this day and age, we have scientific knowledge that, when applied, immediately transforms the fundamental ground from which we engage during the coaching conversation.

Course Chapters & Lessons

  Introduction & community
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 1 - ANS Beginings
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 2 - Parasympathetic Nervous System
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 3 - Sympathetic Nervous System
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 4 - Social Nervous System
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 5 - ANS Next Level
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 6 - ANS Basics in Coaching
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 7 - Coaching Application
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 8 - Bonus! Working with Pain
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 9 - Course Conclusion
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Additional ANS Support
Available in days
days after you enroll

Alexander Love is an acupuncturist, developmental coach, and facilitator. With gentleness, lightness, and depth, he invites us to listen to the voice of our inner wisdom and potency and allow that to move us outward into the world and make a difference.

At the core of Alexander’s work is his belief that the quality and health of our future depend upon our willingness to come together and deepen our capacity for human relating and discovery. If we can find the courage to embrace our painful experiences as individuals, life can become something that perpetually transforms us. As we transform, so does the world, and together we can co-create a beautiful future.